We hosted members of the Slovenian-German Chamber of Commerce
18. 02. 2020
As part of the AHK Goes Regional event, 32 representatives of member companies and the management of the Slovenian-German Chamber of Commerce visited Kolektor.

After the introductory words of the President of the Slovenian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Slovenia), Gertrud Rantzen, and the Managing Director of Kolektor Ventures, Mateja Lavrič, Bojan Miličić presented the digital transformation of Kolektor. This was followed by the presentation of the use of artificial intelligence in the production “Leap - AI for directing production” by Tomaž Šuklje from Qlector. The event was rounded off with a guided tour of the production, where they learned firsthand how production is done with the help of smart collaborative robots and how production is managed with artificial intelligence.