The key to the best personnel? Community and psychological safety!
26. 04. 2019
After the high-profile conference Future 4.0 organized by SAŠA Incubator, Gorenje and Kolektor in November last year, the first Future 4.0 meet-up was dedicated to the topical subject of staffing - how to find, lead and motivate the best engineering personnel. We were looking for answers to this question with our interlocutors, such as Andraž Logar, director and co-founder of 3fs (which received the regional IT Gazela award for Gorenjska), Voranc Kutnik, Agile coach and Licensed Management 3.0 Trainer and co-founder of CorpoHub, and Mateja Lavrič and Marko Thaler, the Kolektor Digital management team members.

They all agreed that in today's business world, full of uncertainty, rapid changes and numerous contradictions, the battle for human resources is getting worse; therefore, according to the 'people first' principle, innovation and genuine concern for people and their well-being are essential elements in finding and managing the most promising staff. According to Logar, finding the recipe for successful recruitment begins and ends with the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Leadership is the responsibility of the team
According to the basic definition of management 3.0, leadership is the responsibility of the team. "This way, we are all motivated, and the process itself becomes a game. It is also necessary to build into people’s DNA the importance of continuous learning and education, and the leaders must be aware that the word management actually means the implementation of familiar things, while the word leadership stands for a belief in an idea that has followers. According to this principle, every member of the team can be a leader in his/her own field, if only other members trust and follow him/her,” says Kutnik.
Promising story, global vision and changing the world
Recruiting top-level engineers is one of the key tasks also for the Kolektor Digital team. Their plan is to search for future employees in the field of robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence with the help of an online academy. Lavrič and Thaler emphasized that Kolektor Digital has so far succeeded to acquire prospective talents mainly due to its promising and technologically advanced story, start-up strategy and global vision. Of major importance are the fact and the feeling that the candidates get during the recruitment interviews, i.e. that they will be a part of the team of top experts, who will develop solutions that will radically change the world in the field of robots, drones, artificial intelligence and other state-of-the-art technologies.