Innovators of 2019 are...
04. 11. 2020
In 2019, 6106 ideas were entered in the system by Kolektor employees, and of these 80 percent were implemented. A panel of experts evaluated ideas in 8 different categories. The following people were named the best innovators of 2019.

In the field of mass innovative activity: in the category of small improvements: Janez Jeram, Kolektor Sikom - Division B1 as an individual, and Kolektor Ascom - Drives as a group; in the category technical and other improvements: Jan Ogrin, Kolektor ATP - PE Vision as an individual, and Kol ektor Orodjarna - PE Vision as a group.
In the field of breakthrough innovative activity, the award went to: in the category of improved production processes - Matej Jurman, Kolektor KFH, in the category of improvements to products, semi-finished parts and services - Kolektor Group for oil separator drive, in the category of improved non-technological processes - Qlector in collaboration with Kolektor KFH, Kolektor Sikom and Kolektor Group for the LEAP application.
Further, three awards were presented in the category special achievements. Rok Rupnik, Kolektor Sikom - Division B0 was awarded the best BWU manager and ID sub-keeper, and Ratko Joksimović, Kolektor Sikom - Drives was awarded best ID keeper. Recipient of the lifeworks award is Istok Jerman Kuželički from Kolektor Etra.
Due to all measures for prevention of the spread of Covid 19, this year`s presentation of awards was somewhat compromised in content and performance. Although the traditional conference on innovative activity did not take place, the virus could not stop the commission from evaluating all innovations and rewarding the best among them. According to the Management, it is the content that matters most. They are very proud of the results. And of the great quantity of ideas and innovations. The breakthrough ideas/innovations are recognized and honored also outside Kolektor.
Congratulations to all award winners!