Incorporation of technological equipment into the water supply system Krvavec is just before the start
28. 05. 2021
The project, in which the company Kolektor Sisteh acts as a subcontractor, undertaking the water treatment technology together with the main contractor, Gorenjska gradbena družba, is approaching the phase, comprising the incorporation of the technological equipment into the water treatment plant (so called, ultrafiltration system).

The company Kolektor Sisteh has just brought into use the revised dossier of documents of the project’s Design for Realization of all the mechanical installations, technology, and all the electrical installations of the water treatment plant, including the transformer station.
The municipalities Cerklje, Kranj, Šenčur, Komenda, and Vodice, who manage the joint construction project of the Krvavec water supply system, selected, last year, based on the public contract award, the main contractor of the project, the company Gorenjska gradbena družba. The project of the Krvavec water supply system, the value of which amounts to 12.4 million of EUR, and which will assure to the said municipalities more quality drinking water for thirty thousand inhabitants, will be completed next spring.
Presently, there are approximately 20 drinking water treatment plants in Slovenia, larger than 10 l/s, operating based on the ultra-filtration membranes. The company Kolektor Sisteh participated in the construction of more than half of them.
When elaborating the dossier of documents of the actual project’s Design for Realization, we applied, at all the relevant fields of realization, our years long experience of design engineering and the implementation of the plants of this type, and our guideline was the project’s Building Permit Design and the plant’s limitations with its individual works. In the phase of the project’s Design for Realization we verified, with a due care of an experienced design engineer, the adequacy of the solution with three ultra-filtration units, and we confirmed that this is the best solution in view of the flexibility of the operation and the operational safety. We designed the ultra-filtration units, as well as all the associated systems, applying our most recent findings, resulting from our practice, and the most advanced state of the art of technique.
Currently, the weather causes a lot of troubles to the contractor of the construction works. In July, we foresee the commencement of our assembly works at the plant, presently we proceed the orders for the technological equipment, and we prefabricate the assemblies in the workshop, all with the purpose to shorten the period of the further assembly works in the plant. One of such assemblies is the composing of the ultra-filtration units, intended for the filtration of water.